Crossing Invented Borders: Original Translation / Pseudotranslation and Narratology
For the ENN conference “Modelling Narrative across Borders” (Ghent, 16.-18. April 2015), Beatrijs Vanacker and I organized a panel on “Crossing Invented Borders: Original Translation / Pseudotranslation and Narratology.” There were three papers:
Walladmor and the Narratology of Pseudotranslation
Tom Toremans (KU Leuven)
From the narrator to the translator and back again: some notes on (un-)reliability in 18th century French pseudo-translations
Beatrijs Vanacker (KU Leuven – FWO)
Original translation: questioning the boundaries of focalization and voice
Brigitte Rath (FU Berlin)
Thank you to the audience for a very lively panel discussion!